School is getting back into session, and the kids are flying the nest (at least part-time). Does that mean workouts are back in session as well? This school year is going to look pretty different for most of us. Your workouts should, too!
Make the Time
The big key is going to be blocking out the time and making it happen. Find a realistic time frame time during your day that will work best for you. This will look completely different for everyone! It could be 3 – 10 minute sections throughout the day. It could be 45 minutes at 5 am. Or maybe it’s 9 pm in your garage. Whatever it is, set it as your daily priority. Write it in your planner, add it to your phone calendar, tell your family – this is a dedicated time and space in your day, and it’s happening.

Mix It Up
If you can make it to the gym, go try weights, mix up the cardio, or try a new class format. If you’re at home, that’s great too. There are so many streaming workouts out there, a quick search will turn up any number of fun workout options. Youtube and live workouts on instagram are recent options the Liv Collective loves. For some of our designers, mixing it up looks like trying a new yoga class every Sunday on Youtube, and a weekly live workout on Wednesdays with @cleansimpleeats. Hey, variety is the spice of life, right?
Whatever gets you booty shaking and bomb dropping, we are here for it! Set that timer and get that body moving.